陈采鋆 纯艺术 硕士预科


我的创作经常受到生活的启发。在上海疫情封控期间,有限的行动空间放大了中国公共制度和舆论控制的问题。我制作了一个装置作品结合影像播放《红 黄 绿》。装置中巨大的问号象征着我们心中的所有疑虑。被黄色栅栏囚禁的焦虑的“我们”笼罩在权力的红灯中,希望唤醒观众反思当前的政策和生活条件。



My creations are often inspired by life experiences. During the period of the COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai, the limited mobility amplified issues concerning China's public institutions and media control. I created an installation piece combined with a video projection called <Red, yellow, and green>. The installation featured a giant question mark symbolizing all our doubts. The anxious "us" confined within yellow fences were enveloped by the red light of power, aiming to awaken the audience to reflect on current policies and living conditions.

In another work <Dilemma>, I aimed to discuss the anxiety generated by contemporary consumerism and the creation of a "dream factory." Consumerism erodes human thoughts, leading people into a cycle of increasing anxiety and consumption. The more anxious they become, the more they consume, and the more they consume, the more anxious they feel. The cardboard boxes in the installation and the sounds of advertisements represent our ever-growing desires. The brainwashing-like slogans attempt to reshape people's values. I aspire to challenge the erroneous values of overconsumption and materialism, making viewers aware of the illusions created by advertising and encouraging them to reflect on the immediate gratification provided solely by shopping.

In my studio experiments, I am particularly excited to create and explore more innovative forms of artistic expression, continuously propelling my artistic thinking.

文件:CHEN Caiyun 15 Untitled 2022 静物图 05-07

无题 2022



Untitled 2022

Installation and documentary

Inflatable tumbler, iron bars, red light

Variable size




